
Game Mechanics

The basic game mechanic in Precursor is simple. When a Skill Check is called for, the player rolls 2d6 and adds them to the value of the Skill and Stat she is using. The Skill to use should be self-evident depending on the task. Most of the time, knowing which Stat to use is equally clear but when in doubt the Game Master should make a ruling. For general Skill Checks, the Success Number is 8. By Success Number, we mean this is the number your Skill Check should equal or exceed in order to succeed. Here's the formula:

2d6 + Stat + Skill Must be equal to or greater than 8.

In a situation where there could be a contest of Skills between two characters, then the same 2d6 + Stat + Skill formula is used, but the Success Number is that total rolled by the opposing player.

Critical Success and Failure

If a character is lucky enough to roll a natural 12 on 2d6, then another 1d6 may be rolled and added to the total. If this secondary roll scores a 6, then the die may continue to be rolled and added to the total until the player finally fails to roll a 6.

If a character is unlucky enough to roll a 2 on 2d6, then it is treated as failure, no matter how high the character's Skills or Stats might be. In addition, the GM may narrate the particular misfortune that has befallen the character, if appropriate.

Success Chart

Success by
Marginal Success. Multiply damage done in combat by x1 before armor is applied.
Basic Success. Multiply damage done in combat by x2 before armor is applied.
Good Success. Multiply damage done in combat by x3 before armor is applied.
Superior Success. Multiply damage done in combat by x4 before armor is applied.
Excellent Success. Multiply damage done in combat by x5 before armor is applied.
Incredible Success. Multiply damage done in combat by x6 before armor is applied.

Perceiving Things with Perception Checks

In The Forge Engine, a character needs to occasionally make checks to see if he has noticed things going on around him. For instance, if someone is lying in ambush, the GM might give the hero a chance to notice something was wrong before springing the trap.

For Forge Engine Lite, such checks are based on the character's IN score. The player rolls 2d6 and adds the result to the IN stat. A grand total of 8 or better allows the character to notice most basic things. In cases where one character is trying to notice another character, then the spotting character must equal or exceed the skill total rolled by the sneaking character.

The full Forge Engine system has an expanded perception section that enhances this basic method of doing perception checks. For these enhanced rules, refer to the Forge Engine Rules Book.

All site contents are the properties of their creators. Precursor, Precursor Forge and Forge Engine are trademarks of Dustin Evermore.

Precursor setting Copyright 2002 Dustin Evermore | Art by Chris Rich-McKelvey and Edward Cupps