
The Skills

Buying Skills

The Lite version of this game assumes adventurers of average, perhaps between 20 and 34 years of age. The full game system allows for the use of characters of any age from ten and older. Characters between the ages of 20 and 34 years have 15 points to spend on skills at the time the character is drawn up.

In addition, a starting character may begin with up to a maximum of 4 points in any one skill.

Forge Engine Lite Skills

A list of some of the skills available in Forge Engine is shown below. Skills marked with an asterisk (*) are technical skills that can only be learned in an advanced culture. These cultures typically have permanent settlements and cities. The following 30 skills and their descriptions are small sample of what is available in the complete version of the Forge Engine for Precursor settings.

Artistry (IN or DE)
Musician [Type]

Awareness (IN or WI)

Combat (DE)

Knowledge (IN)
Language [Type]
Religion [Type]

Physical (DE)
Riding [Type]

Social (SP)

Tech (IN)
Stone Craft*
Weapon Smithing

Skill Descriptions

This combat skill allows the use of bows in combat, competition and target practice.

This skill reflects the character’s ability to design and build armor from leather, bone, and metals.

This combat skill covers the use of unbalanced weapons. Use the Throwing skill to throw axes.

Naturally enough, this skill is used when attempted to scale walls, cliffs, mountains, and other steep inclines. It may include the use of ropes and grapples to assist.

Use this skill to avoid incoming ranged attacks such as javelins, arrows, spears, and energy blasts from an orichalcum staff, as well as all forms of close combat. This does take one of the character's actions, but the total rolled is applied to all incoming attacks..

This skill is used when attempted to get out of bonds. The GM should apply penalties to the skill check depending on the strength and effectiveness of the bonds. It can also be used to try to slither out of someone's grasp. See the Grab maneuver in the Combat section for further details.

This skill reflects the ability to catch fish using nets, or hooks and lines, harpoons, spears, or bows.

This is used to find and use plants for beneficial purposes.

Use this skill to track and kill game animals. It includes knowledge such as gutting, skinning, and preserving the meat.

Roll a Skill Check versus 8 plus the target character's SPirit Stat and refer to the Success Chart. A Marginal success indicates the target is merely impressed. A Basic success will cause the target to loose an action. A Good success will cause a target in combat to use an action to back away or disengage. A Superior or better success will cause a target to flee in terror or try to surrender rather than fight the Intimidating character.

Knife fighting can often be refined to an art and this skill reflects that. Knives are a favorite among thieves, assassins and nobility since they can be easily hidden but are deadly in the skilled hands.

Language [Type]
Every character may begin with knowledge of their native language for free (costs 0 points). Speaking other languages is a skill, and the higher it is, the more fluent a character can be. Level 1 is conversational, 2 is fluent, 3 is fluent with only a little accent, and 4 allows a character understand other dialects within the same language. The character must choose what other language she speaks at the time the skill is taken. This skill obviously may be taken multiple times.

A strong leader can keep even a group of rebellious rabble in line. When matters of morale come up, a Leadership Skill check may be made to stem or turn the course of action. For instance, if the leader was with a group of soldiers who had taken losses in combat with a fearsome (or lucky) enemy, the leader may be able to rally his troops with a successful Leadership check. Leadership may also be used to persuade a group of people to follow a course of action the leader recommends

This skill represents knowledge of the human body and how it reacts to the environment. Low levels of skill reflect the ability to apply first aid and help the body heal from injuries. Higher levels of skill enable the character to find remedies for common diseases using herbs and drugs.

This skill is used to mine for metals, gems, and other valued things from the earth. It encompasses more than just picking stuff up off the floor of caves or riverbeds. It also means the character knows how to shore up the walls of dug mines to keep them from collapsing, where to find strong veins of ores, etc.

Musician [Type]
A musician knows how to play at least one type of instrument. When taking this skill, the musician should specify what instrument he is playing. This could be anything from drums, to flutes, to stringed instruments. A musician may know any number of different musical instruments. Each one requires a separate Musician skill, however.

This skill is used to plot a course to a destination based on the character’s current position (see Positioning) using maps, star charts, and other navigational tools. The base Success Number in navigating is 8 +1 for every thousand miles distant from the character’s homeland and may be further modified by natural hazards.

This skill is the ability to convince someone to come around to your point of view or to take a course of action you want him or her to take.

This skill allows the character knowledge of a particular religion. This includes legends about their gods, knowledge of when and why festivals are held, etc.

Riding [Type]
This is the ability to ride a domesticated animal. The character must choose what particular type of animal he has learned to ride. In Atlantis, there are domesticated Mastodons. Amazons and some tribes in Hyperborea have domesticated horses which can be ridden.

There is a lot that goes into taking care of and running a boat or ship. This skill encompasses these things.

This skill is used much like persuasion, but instead of trying to intellectually convince someone of something, this skill uses a more emotional or physical tactic.

This is the skill of building tools and implements from metal. It normally requires a forge.

This combat skill is used with for attacks with spears. It can also be used with a javelin if it must be used in hand to hand instead of thrown. This skill is also used with tridents.

This skill reflects the character's ability to move and hide without being heard or seen. Like in Shadowing, characters must beat a Stealth Skill check total with a Perception check in order to spot someone using Stealth. The GM, depending on the situation, may apply bonuses or penalties to either the Stealth Skill check or the Perception check.

This is more than just the ability to set one rock on top of another. This also includes how to cut stone, move it, and place it so that tall structures may be built that will not fall over or collapse.

Use this skill to attack someone with a sword.

Use this skill to get an edge on your opponents. By taking a Round in a battle situation to understand what the enemy is doing and take in the environment, a character can be allowed a Tactics check. A successful check allows the character to make tactical decisions and bark orders to those who are willing to follow him. For each level of success achieved, characters following the tactician's orders gain a +1 to all attacks and defense for the next three Rounds. The bonus also applies to the tactician.

This is the art of applying paint and ink to the human body.

While Hunting is used to track and kill game animals, tracking is the skill used to hunt humans. You may also use this skill in opposition to trackers to try to make them loose your trail.

This is the skill used to build weapons of metal or stone and wood.

All site contents are the properties of their creators. Precursor, Precursor Forge and Forge Engine are trademarks of Dustin Evermore.

Precursor setting Copyright 2002 Dustin Evermore | Art by Chris Rich-McKelvey and Edward Cupps